When it comes to your pet's nutritional needs, talk to the people who know your pet best. Your Veterinary Health Care Team.
Your Veterinary health care team is there to help you make choices that are right for your pet's individual needs. We want your pet to live as long and be as healthy as they can be.
Our Veterinary Technicians - Lisa and Randi, participate in Many continuing education seminars throughout the year to gain as much knowledge as they possibly can about the MANY diet options that are out there.
They know about the needs of growing puppies and kittens, obese animals, senior pets, arthritic pets, pets with special dietary requirements, and much more.
We select a diet that is right for your dog or cat based on their needs, NOT based on brands.
We offer a wide variety of brands and select the one diet we feel is most appropriate for your dog or cats specific requirements.
ASK US what we feed our own pets, AND WHY.
Royal Canin,
Rayne Clinical Nutrition, Purina Veterinary Diets, Hills Prescription diets, and more.
www.raynecanada.ca |
www.royalcanin.ca |
Call us today to set up a nutritional consultation for your pet with one of our very knowledgeable and very Caring staff.